List of publications
- A note on Z-gradings on the Grassmann algebra and Elementary Number Theory. Linear & Multilinear Algebra in press, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
- Z-graded identities of the Lie algebras U_1 in characteristic 2 (with P. Koshlukov) – Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society in press. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
- Z–graded identities on the Grassmann algebra and Arithmetic tools: revisited. (alone) – paper dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Vesselin Drensky (International Conference “Trends in Combinatorial Ring Theory”) – Turkish Journal of Mathematics in press. (Qualis 2016: ?? – Scimago)
- Graded identities for algebras with elementary gradings over an infinite field (with P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz)) – Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, v. 65, p. 146-166, 2022. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
- Graded identities of M(E) and their generalizations over infinite fields. (alone) – Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 643, p. 258-280, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
- Z -gradings of full support on the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and A. Brandão Jr.) – Journal of Algebra, p. 332-353, 2022 (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
- Graded identities for Kac–Moody and Heisenberg algebras with the Cartan grading. (with L. Macêdo and P. Koshlukov) – Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 638, p. 196-218, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
- Graded Identities and Central Polynomials for Verbally Prime Algebras. (with L. Bernardo, P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz) – Algebras and Representation Theory, in press. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
- Identities for the special linear Lie algebra with the Pauli and Cartan gradings. (with D. Diniz and F. Limeira), Israel Journal of Mathematics, v. 241, p 187 – 227, 2021. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago)
- Zq-graded identities and central polynomials of the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and L. Dias), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 609, p. 12-36, 2021. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
- Graded involutions on block-triangular matrix. (with D. Diniz, D. Gonçalvez and F. Yasumura), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 585, p. 24-44, 2020. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
- Z2 and Z-graded central polynomials of the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and P. Koshlukov), International Journal of Algebra and Computation, v. 30, No. 05, p. 1035-1056, 2020. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).
- Graded isomorphisms on upper block triangular matrix algebras. (with A. Borges and D. Diniz), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 543, p. 92-105, 2018. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).
- Embeddings for the Jordan algebra of a bilinear form. (with P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz), Advances in Mathematics, v. 337, p. 294-316, 2018. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
- Primeness property for graded central polynomials of verbally prime algebras. (with D. Diniz), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 222, Issue 6, p. 1388-1404, 2018. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
- Identities and central polynomials for real graded division algebras. (with D. Diniz and S. Mota), International Journal of Algebra and Computation, v. 27, p. 935-952, 2017. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).
In submission
- Z-Graded identities of the Lie algebras U1. (with P. Koshlukov)
- Jordan algebras of a degenerate bilinear form: Specht property and their identities (with F. Martino)
- Z-Graded identities of the Virasoro algebras. (with D. Diniz and P. Koshlukov)
- Z-gradings on the Grassmann algebra over infinite fields: graded identities and central polynomials. (with A. Guimarães)
- A generalization of Cayley-Hamilton algebras and their geometries. (with C. Almeida and L. Galdino)
In Progress
- Trace identities for special Jordan algebras (with P. Koshlukov and I. Shestakov)
- Trace identities and Embedding problem for the octonions. (with I. Shestakov)
- Trace identities for Cayley and Albert algebras (with A. Elduque)