
List of publications

  1. A note on Z-gradings on the Grassmann algebra and Elementary Number Theory. Linear & Multilinear Algebra in press, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
  2. Z-graded identities of the Lie algebras U_1 in characteristic 2 (with P. Koshlukov) – Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society in press. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
  3. Z–graded identities on the Grassmann algebra and Arithmetic tools: revisited. (alone) – paper dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Vesselin Drensky (International Conference “Trends in Combinatorial Ring Theory”) – Turkish Journal of Mathematics in press. (Qualis 2016: ?? – Scimago)
  4. Graded identities for algebras with elementary gradings over an infinite field (with P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz)) – Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, v. 65, p. 146-166, 2022. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
  5. Graded identities of M(E) and their generalizations over infinite fields. (alone) – Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 643, p. 258-280, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
  6. Z -gradings of full support on the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and A. Brandão Jr.) – Journal of Algebra, p. 332-353, 2022 (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
  7. Graded identities for Kac–Moody and Heisenberg algebras with the Cartan grading. (with L. Macêdo and P. Koshlukov) – Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 638, p. 196-218, 2022. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
  8. Graded Identities and Central Polynomials for Verbally Prime Algebras. (with L. Bernardo, P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz) – Algebras and Representation Theory, in press. (Qualis 2016: A2 – Scimago)
  9. Identities for the special linear Lie algebra with the Pauli and Cartan gradings. (with D. Diniz and F. Limeira), Israel Journal of Mathematics, v. 241, p 187 – 227, 2021. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago)
  10. Zq-graded identities and central polynomials of the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and L. Dias), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 609, p. 12-36, 2021. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
  11. Graded involutions on block-triangular matrix. (with D. Diniz, D. Gonçalvez and F. Yasumura), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 585, p. 24-44, 2020. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago)
  12. Z2 and Z-graded central polynomials of the Grassmann algebra. (with A. Guimarães and P. Koshlukov), International Journal of Algebra and Computation, v. 30, No. 05, p. 1035-1056, 2020. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).
  13. Graded isomorphisms on upper block triangular matrix algebras. (with A. Borges and D. Diniz), Linear Algebra and its Applications, v. 543, p. 92-105, 2018. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).
  14. Embeddings for the Jordan algebra of a bilinear form. (with P. Koshlukov and D. Diniz), Advances in Mathematics, v. 337, p. 294-316, 2018. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
  15. Primeness property for graded central polynomials of verbally prime algebras. (with D. Diniz), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 222, Issue 6, p. 1388-1404, 2018. (Qualis 2016: A1 – Scimago).
  16. Identities and central polynomials for real graded division algebras. (with D. Diniz and S. Mota), International Journal of Algebra and Computation, v. 27, p. 935-952, 2017. (Qualis 2016: B1 – Scimago).

In submission

  1. Z-Graded identities of the Lie algebras U1. (with P. Koshlukov)
  2. Jordan algebras of a degenerate bilinear form: Specht property and their identities (with F. Martino)
  3. Z-Graded identities of the Virasoro algebras. (with D. Diniz and P. Koshlukov)
  4. Z-gradings on the Grassmann algebra over infinite fields: graded identities and central polynomials. (with A. Guimarães)
  5. A generalization of Cayley-Hamilton algebras and their geometries. (with C. Almeida and L. Galdino)

In Progress

  1. Trace identities for special Jordan algebras (with P. Koshlukov and I. Shestakov)
  2. Trace identities and Embedding problem for the octonions. (with I. Shestakov)
  3. Trace identities for Cayley and Albert algebras (with A. Elduque)

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